"Samba" Brazil is pretty pretentious. Luxury dawn after the first 10 minutes but found the children determine "Orange Knight" shock the world passing your reaction 2-1 flirting get rowdy drag backpack Melo R ¥ "Samba, Brazil, pretending to be stylish after dawn the first. 10 minutes but. . found the children determine "Orange Knight" shock the world passing your reaction 2-1 flirting get rowdy drag backpack Melo R. yen Ben Rob was weight into a rotten red card Rob Ben was rotten heavy red card to another.
World Cup 2010 team final round eight World Cup 2010 final round eight teams.
Friday, 2 July 2553 Friday, 2 July 2553.
Holland 2-1 Brazil Holland 2-1 Brazil.
Doors: 0-1 PM Yo Robin flirting backpack 10,1-1 53,2-1 pm Melo West Valley Lodge Sanai Der am 68 Doors: 0-1 PM Yo Robin flirting backpack. 10,1-1 53,2-1 pm Melo West Valley Lodge Sanai Der am 68.
Holland to attack the player. Garde Kyat same Holland, the players attack the same trichina Kyat. Such as Rob Ben, Sanai Orange Wonder, Phan perfect opportunity and the Chom diligent in account in Dan Page Whether it is Rob Ben,. Sanai Orange Wonder, Phan perfect opportunity and the Chom Dan hard in the account page. but on the straight line because the Yo Chris But where on the line because  Morris. math Tiger defenders a real sacrifice. Injury before the game Tiger math sacrifice the real defenders injured before the game. The need to send Andriy Andriy made to submit. Noi suppliers to match high-Ting Rica instead Do the suppliers to match high-Ting Osaka instead. Now cheering 'Wind' would have to win together that have little or no problems Now cheering 'Wind' would have to win each will have little problem.
In 'Samba' Brazil ESPN World 5 session comes with a full set cylinder In 'Samba' Brazil World Champion with five session set to full smoke. Spearhead a fast beer Mariano Fast forward a beer Mariano. Robin Yo with Al. West along the. . line of waiting tumultuous Yo with Robin AL West along the line of waiting tumultuous. while Ka Ka is a sculpture. Dan driving game in the mid team While Ka Ka Pun as a driving game in the middle Dan to the team.
Before the game both teams players together holding signs and campaigning against racism Before the game both teams players together holding signs and campaigning against racial discrimination.
First Half The first half.
Samba firing, but before advanced to Samba, but advanced to shoot first.
Start the game was only eight minutes, Brazil is close to the door to be before the stroke Daniel Start the game just eight minutes, Brazil is nearly up to the door before the stroke that led to Daniel. AL West. Running off open space to. . hold the ball along the line of AL West ran off open space to hold the ball along the line before dragging into penalty area. Then label the Robin Yo the pole two Japan to Tung mesh Before you drag into the penalty area and sign with Robin. Yo. Japan into the second pillar Tung net but Light Man. hit flag ahead before the stroke AL West the ball since. Try advanced Light Man.น first stroke hit but before the AL West-stroke the ball from the first stroke.
Not advanced then! Flight Yo want to repeat the shot Not advanced then! Flight Yo want to repeat the shot.
Again just two minutes later line for the Netherlands off Louis absence collapse Don Philip backpack Melo pay ball from center field Just two minutes later, another line of Holland to fall apart being broken off Louis Philippe Pe Melo pay ball from the middle. field surpassed scruffy Huad one to page penalty area Surpassed only shabby Huad to page penalty area. Robin Yo merger as to find Ball Yo Robin M to find the ball. Prior to Pacific Park the state K. Allen Burke go. Beautiful Before the Pacific Park Lane Pennsylvania State K to gracefully take off before Brazil 1-0 Brazil the lead to 1-0 before.
Samba start focus Samba started emphasize.
To the first 20 minutes of the game To the first 20 minutes of the game. Brazil after the doors led to then gradually set the game together as no need to hurry invade up any Brazil after the door then gradually. be set for each game does not need to hurry up to invade at all. and let the ball do the Netherlands holds the opportunity to find some rhythm. Appropriate to make the game And let the ball do in Holland, has captured some rhythm to find the right opportunity to make games.
Japan cross beams Juan Juan Pan cross beams.
Min at 26 Robin Yo fool Dirk account after two times in before attempting to turn the opening ball in 26 minutes Yo Robin placebo Dirk account after the next two before attempting to flip the ball into the open. The rhythm to due to kick corner Because the timing of the corner kick. Huan Consolidation toward ball, but being the van der perfect opportunity probe inlet to block pressure Don Juan, but the ball toward Consolidation Phan perfect opportunity to block incoming probe pressure. the turret rear Brazil rise across the beam striking the ball away The turret after striking the ball soar over Brazil beams away.
Pennsylvania State K Lane safe descent! Pennsylvania State K Lane ฟ ฟ ฟ ฟ safe descent!
4 minutes later, State Lane K. Burke denied firing most beautiful child of Ricardo 4 minutes later, State Lane K. Burke denied firing most beautiful child of Ricardo. Ka Ka out of the box from the spin zone Penalty indentation on the left pillar two Ka Ka spinning outside the penalty area two opposite poles on the left. Way Ball are inserted under the beams Balls are inserted under way beam, but state K. Allen Burke Consolidation to round out to be a safe Most. But Allen K. Burke Consolidation State to round out the top to the other safe.
Ka Ka previous stroke will be shooting the Ka Ka previous stroke can shoot it. Need to watch Robin Yo drag ball. Holland through to the players of the two people before the payment falling to a friend Yo have to watch Robin drag ball through the players of the Netherlands to the two people before the payment falling to a friend.
Head not smooth egg Egg head not smooth.
34 minutes Rob R. Yen Ben made smooth stroke poke ball in the corner kick 34 minutes Rob R. Yen Ben made smooth stroke poke ball in the corner kick. To fool the players. Brazil have absolute confidence To be deceived into the Brazilian players have. . absolute confidence and a friend ran along out football culture pendant to create opportunities to score And a friend to run the ball out to party Pendant opportunities to score. But al-West does not forget rush The ball before you can ฟาวล์ Dutch to pull in. football. because he fell AL West but do not accidentally run into the ball before it has ฟาวล์ Tibial Dutch to pull him down.
Industrial switch seizure Pets Industrial switch seizure tumultuous.
Panel after 42 minutes of Holland Heavy Pets Panel after 42 minutes of Holland tumultuous heavy because the Brazilian being a game loot To invade beat Brazil made the game as being pendant to invade hammer type that must be extracted kick Species that need to kick extract to each. . other spin ฟาวล์ ฟาวล์ to each spin to see if Brazil can be pressured. To end the first half it or not Brazil will have to see how pressure to end the first half of it or not.
Egg head right dead close Egg head right dead close.
Toward the end Rob Ben Utsa the ball off and over the page penalty area the Brazilian and Toward the end Rob Ben Utsa the ball up off the page and then the Brazilian penalty area. But when Don Defender trap side left out. it But when Don left rear side took the trap. it is impossible it As it is impossible. and the bad ball in the end And the ball eventually lose. Unfortunately true. Unfortunately true.
Before the end of time does not almost have a chance. Add to invade the right foot beat fully Almost no time before the end of the opportunity to invade Saddam fill up full right foot. But pillar ball Consolidation drop away. Consolidation ball off pole, but away. The referee blowing out the first half Judges blown out the first half. Brazil led to the first 1-0 Brazil the lead to 1-0 before.
Half Latter.
Samba error itself! Samba error itself!
53 minutes of play error led Brazil to the door of the rivalry Holland 53 minutes of play error led Brazil to the door of the rivalry Holland. To the rhythm of basketball. Sat to do ฟาวล์ put Rob Ben into a Free Kick From stroke Basketball temp. . to do ฟาวล์ Rob put Ben into a free kick. Then the Sanai Orange Wonder playing short Sanai and the Orange Wonder playing short and then ball is returned. to him again Ball was then sent back to him again. เจ้าตัว tender spinning into penalty area. you. the tender spinning into penalty area. เซ Sartre tried to projectile round ball เซ Sartre tried to round ball projectile. but Melo. Tech up to the jam But Melo Tech back up the jam the ball like เฉลียบ head They get into full mesh Tung. Holland rivalry. and Goal The ball as he heads over to Tung เฉลียบ full mesh and Holland Goal rivalry.
Kaohsiung is the! Bass temp from Kaohsiung is the! Bass temp out.
Minutes 62 Car Los Dung Rica scratch was the 62 minutes Carlos Dung Rica scratch is a point changed the basketball temp that desperate that may be red card dismissal is the Basketball changed the temp of that may be vulnerable is. the red card expulsion. It faces Rob Ben, do the Tion because it is not Rob Ben. to chase kicks all the time To kick away all the time. The change took Jim Leproni The change took Jill Bear Auto. Melo down playing instead of Melo came into play instead.
Samba Siao! Ball being blue arm Lisio Samba Siao! Ball being blue arm Lisio.
2 minutes later, Brazil Siew same universal 2 minutes later, Brazil Siew same coverage. Because stroke Sanai Orange Wonder Because stroke Sanai Orange Wonder. Lisio Consolidation toward the blue ball. Together in sin Sin-O Consolidation with blue ball towards the penalty area at once. But ball bounce-happy hands of the Blue Lisio Jang No. But ball bounce-happy hands of Luke Jang Sin-O number Sanai Orange Wonder. sing to the people. Japanese judge Sanai Orange Wonder singing to the judges Japanese, but it does not point to any harm But it does not point to any harm.
Sanai Orange Wonder strike flip! Sanai Orange Wonder strike flip!
Minutes at 68 from stroke kick corner Stroke kick 68 minutes from the corner. Ball opened a short distance just head over the pole first Dirk account Rush head wiping the antenna first Short-term open ball just head over to the first pillar. Dirk account Rush wipe the pole head first. O Consolidation in the West Valley. Consolidation ball to the West Valley. Sanai Orange Wonder where they stand in the middle of the door was the right time, heading downriver to insert two poles 'Wind' turn to overtake the lead 2-1 and then Sanai Orange Wonder where they stand in the. middle of the door was the right time, heading downriver to insert two poles 'Wind' turn to overtake the lead 2-1 and then.
Melo being ugly red! Melo being ugly red!
Min at 74 flirting backpack Melo may fuse broken after a bad gate 74 minutes flirting backpack Melo may be broken after a bad fuse door to chase players Rob Ben two times in any non-being ball enough Rob Ben fall regardless. to go on an obviously clear and most are ugly as intended full Rob Ben kick to chase two other times in a ball not get enough Ben Rob fail to crack even the most obviously apparent and the ugly as fully intended. judge Consolidation access. to draw cards. Without delay to the red. Consolidation judges come to draw a red card without delay. Brazil during heavy Sam and Brazil between Sam and heavy.
Siew Yun Pi to Pi Yun make smart.
Japanese judges do Holland both Siew Some Japanese judges to both Holland Siew some because stroke oil to Meyer. Playing across the Ka Ka as being likely to Yellow Because stroke Oil Meyer to play across the Ka Ka and probably being yellow. But the decision to run. . far. The หยิบผิด leaves a red card out But the decision to run far beyond the หยิบผิด leaves out a red card. A good draw back Than Than a good stroke back. Prior to distribution Yellow Before Flash Yellow. With body language that "Sorry. . Sorry "With body language that" Sorry Sorry ".
Squeezing hard games Game squeeze hard.
I substitute 10 minutes into the final game both teams hard pressure I substitute 10 minutes into the final game both teams hard pressure. Because it starts in Holland. Will focus on the heavy pack and wait game rhythm back garden Because of Holland began to focus on the dense pack and wait game rhythm back garden. While Brazil is trying to press Push hard to rival the door While Brazil is trying hard to pressure the door rival 'together the different flea this positive' This plus the same each punch.
Embedded not indifferent Not buried quietly.
During injury time Hun เต Lars recently will down new During injury time Hun Lars just down the new Utsa off together to the third according to awkward other Shiga other a ball lost deadpan Utsa off each other according to. The three to be awkward to do. . any other ball Prefecture lost deadpan the same outcry friends Make friends clamor together. It may be being beaten and gardens. I was always a Don Park and this may be it is the rivalry.
Holland completed 90 minutes, turning overtake Brazil beat just 10 players remaining from the consciousness of the different possible Melo 2-1 Pass surpassed runner to eventually Holland completed 90 minutes, turning overtake Brazil beat just 10 players remaining from the. Consciousness of the different possible. . Melo 2-1 Pass surpassed runner to be the most.
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